Call for Papers
Litinfinite Journal
July 2024
(Vol 6 Issue I)
Literature, Media, Culture and Censorship
E-ISSN: 2582-0400 | CODEN: LITIBR
All the manuscripts should be mailed to [email protected]
Abstract (150-200 words), Keywords – (5-6), and Final research papers of 4000-6000 words (including citations) should be submitted by 30th June 2024
(The Bengali research manuscripts should be accompanied by English title, author(s) details, keywords, abstracts, and references)
We also welcome interviews (3-5 pages, with a 100-word bio of the interviewer and the interviewee) and
Book reviews (1200-1500 words) on the given theme. All book reviews MUST have the name of the author, a high-resolution cover photo of the book, year of publication, price, ISBN, and number of pages as per the standard conventions maintained for any book review. It should also contain the complete details of the reviewer/ reviewers including name, an informative title, affiliation, mail i.d., phone number, and address. The font should be Times New Roman, heading 14 points (bold), body 12 font, and single line spacing.
With the advancement of globalization, the nature and realm of art, literature, and censorship have undergone multiple changes and often abrupt modifications. What is pure art, pure literature, and uncensored depiction of events and emotions raising several questions in terms of ethics, morality and ways of writing, portraying details etc. There is a rise in cultural control in almost all sectors of the world, not keeping art and literature far behind. The media plays a dominant role in disseminating the forms and struggles of art, lifestyle, literature, and culture in a certain way that is often seen as a hegemonic discourse in itself. To add to it, there is interference, monitoring, and surveillance from several segments that might affect the cause and sustenance of literary forms. There can be variants of censorship counterbalanced by nuanced patterns of resistance from writers all over the world. Nicole Moore’s edited volume Censorship and the Limits of the Literary: A Global View occupies a dialectical viewpoint that exists between literature and censorship. Freedom to read, specific agencies for control, value of life, ethical responsibility of a writer, and levels and integrity in censorship are some of the factors that have always been of immense importance in postmodern literary arguments. The current issue of Litinfinite Journal seeks research papers that revolve around (but are not limited to) the following areas:
- Art, literature, freedom of a writer/ an artist, censorship
- Media, reception, and censorship
- Popular literature, censorship, and media studies
- Art, media, entertainment, and censorship
- Private and public censorship
- World literature and censorship
- Censorship and literature of resistance
- Censorship and women’s writing across the globe
- Theatre, media, performance studies and censorship
- Literature, dramaturgy, performance, and censorship
- Geopolitics, censorship, and the art of writing
- New Media and censorship
Litinfinite (E-ISSN: 2582-0400, CODEN: LITIBR), is an open-access, peer-reviewed, non-profit bilingual Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (member/ indexed in Crossref) indexed in major indexing services including DOAJ, MLA Directory Of Periodicals & MLA International Bibliography, EBSCO, ERIC PLUS, J-Gate, Scilit, JISC-SHERPARoMEO, Ulrichsweb-ProQuest, ROAD- Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, ESJI- Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, WorldCat-OLAC, CiteFactor, Index Copernicus International, Europub, ResearchBib and many other notable indexing services and international library database.
The current issue of Litinfinite Journal welcomes research articles, book reviews and interviews pertaining to ‘Literature, Media, Culture and Censorship’.
Check out the submission guidelines of the journal here:
Check out the publication ethics at:
The journal does not charge any processing fee or any other type of fee.
We are not accepting poems, stories, or any other creative piece at this moment.
General Guideline
Litinfinite invites original and unpublished works and writers/researchers can send their research articles, poetry, short stories book reviews, and literary essays. We publish original and unplagiarized research papers on various topics of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science.
Contributions should be sent to [email protected]
Click here to know the submission guidelines:
For any query, you may contact Prof. Sreetanwi Chakraborty
Phone no-9674933413 (10 am to 5 pm)
Format of the research articles should include:
- Full title, with subtitle (if any). Font Book Antiqua, heading size 14 (bold), body size 12. All articles should have single line spacing.
- Name, affiliation, phone number, mail i.d. of the author/authors.
- An abstract of about 200 words, with 5 keywords. The author/authors should follow the MLA 7thedition for citation.
- The author/authors should incorporate heading, subheading and illustrations in such a way that no formatting is needed afterward.
- Word limit is 4000-6000 words including works cited.
- The author should be careful about grammar, syntax, and typographical errors. All the research articles MUST be in English or Bengali. If there are quotations in languages other than English, then it should be accompanied by a font file and translations.
- We have a strict check about plagiarism policy. By submitting the articles, the author/authors certify that it is not plagiarized work and that each contribution to the work from other published or unpublished sources has been acknowledged/ cited as a reference.
Submission guideline:
- MLA 7thfor reference.
- Word limit: 4000-6000 words (including citations)
- Font: Book Antiqua, 12
- Author bio: 50 words maximum
- Abstract: 250 words maximum
- Keywords: 5 maximum
Note: All papers will undergo a blind peer-review process. Plagiarism of any kind will lead to the disqualification of a paper. Acceptance mail will be sent within 20 days of the last date of submission. Papers will be selected for the print version or online version, or for both. Please check the status of your paper in the acceptance mail after the submission deadline is over.
Book reviews:
All book reviews MUST have the name of the author, year of publication, price, ISBN, number of pages as per the standard conventions maintained for any book review. It should also contain the complete details of the reviewer/ reviewers including name, an informative title, affiliation, mail i.d., phone number, and address. The font should be Times New Roman, heading 14 points (bold), body 12 font, single line spacing. The word limit for book reviews is 1500-2000 words.
Book review: 1500-2000 words, with book details including cover page, ISBN number, price, author name, publisher name, and year of publication.
Writers / Contributors / Researchers / Reviewers are requested to submit their write-ups without any illustration and decoration. All articles / write-ups should have the author’s details along with their contact number and email addresses.
Contributions should be sent to [email protected]
Click here to know the submission guidelines:
Litinfinite does not promote any political party, organization and religious groups. Please do not send us writings that are influenced by a strong political, religious or communal bias.
We do not charge any publication fee. Litinfinite is a peer-reviewed open-access journal, and all papers / write-ups will go through blind review process before getting published.